Patrick Hartl

Beginning at the age of 15, Patrick Hartl was tagging walls and learning the ropes of art in the urban sphere. His graphic studies revealed a love for calligraphy and stylized writing, with deep roots in the gothic script of his native Germany. An avid collaborator, Patrick belongs to the “Calligraffiti Ambassadors” and, in addition to exhibiting in traditional galleries from Hamburg to Buenos Aires, has painted murals across Germany and beyond.

Hartl with his constant companion, his Boston Terrier named Keiko.
There’s nothing I love more than a 10 year old wall, which has been bombed, cleaned, bombed again, crashed, washed, damaged…again, and again, and again.
Patrick Hartl

Patrick in action.

Hartl's "calligraffiti" style has been commissioned by brands like Audi and Adidas.

In the studio with Patrick Hartl.


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