Nik Ewing

Luckily, I work in a few mediums and if I hit a wall in one I can go elsewhere and come back.
Nik Ewing
Culling materials.

Nik Ewing’s graphically grounded work blurs the line between design and high art. It is cultivated in zine culture and heavily influenced by world travel as a musician and member of indie rock band, Local Natives. At an early age, Nik developed a mastery over homespun promotional materials and other commodified collateral for his bands. His style developed into a parallel artistic practice, fueled by found cultural markers and commercial exploration akin to the likes of Barbara Kruger and Dieter Roth. Nik, who also works under the alias Chewing, is constantly creating— avoiding artist block through fluidity in media, be it music, design, or pensive artworks reflective of the human experience.


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