Clemente Vergara

Clemente Vergara is a Barcelona-based amateur architectural photographer. His foray into photography began when his father, a photography enthusiast, gave him a film camera to use when he saw that Clemente was taking pictures with his phone. Despite his talent for photography and encouragement from others to make it his full-time career, Clemente prefers to shoot recreationally since it allows him to pursue photography in a relaxed and enjoyable way. He is inspired by minimalism, geometry and color and is drawn to the sharp lines and shapes of postmodern buildings. While he enjoys shooting famous architecture, uncovering the hidden beauty in often overlooked modest structures is what he enjoys most. Clemente uses his photographs to communicate that all architecture can be beautiful and intriguing when viewed from a fresh perspective.

Getting to know Clemente.
I think what makes a photo successful is the play of light, geometry and movement. Some people say that architecture doesn’t have a movement, that it is static, but I think that it moves through the light and shadows.
Clemente Vergara

On location.

Clemente studied environmental engineering in college and is now a sustainable development project manager for a water management company. He finds this role particularly important and rewarding in a time challenged by the effects of climate change.

Taking a break.


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